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New Weekly Mini-Episodes: Starting Points

Spark Operational Curiosity with The HOP Nerd Podcast

The HOP Nerd Podcast is here to help!  Every Sunday, tune in for a new mini-episode featuring an Operationally Curious Conversation Starter. These thought-provoking prompts, drawn from our card deck - Starting Points: Operationally Curious Questions - and are designed to spark engaging discussions within your organization.

Use these Conversation Starters to:

  • Ignite curiosity and critical thinking

  • Encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration

  • Uncover hidden opportunities for improvement

  • Drive innovation and problem-solving

Take these questions and go be curious throughout the week!

Subscribe today and let The HOP Nerd Podcast fuel your team's Operational Curiosity.

Remember: Enjoy the journey, and let us know what you learn at!

Sam Goodman is a leading voice and expert in Human & Organizational Performance (HOP) and Learning Teams

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